Wednesday 9 July 2008

What is an alternative therapy? As far as medical professionals are concerned there are two basic paths to follow – the “scientifically proven” remedy and the “complementary or alternative” medicine choice.

The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (a United States government agency) defines complementary and alternative treatments as "a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices and products that are not currently part of conventional medicine."

The difference, therefore, between conventional and alternative therapies is that somebody has funded the conventional product to obtain all necessary licences and approvals for widespread use. The alternative remedy, however, does not have a significant profit margin and remains untested by official standards, even though the alternative may have many followers. This is not to say that all conventional treatments have an equal, but unapproved, alternative. However, if I had spent a large sum of money to gain approval for my potassium enhanced tablet, why should I tell you that eating a banana provides the same benefit? So we have to beware of mis-information, which may come from either camp.

Why are you looking for an alternative treatment?

The alternative treatment is sought by those who are disillusioned by the conventional approach. The conventional is found to be too costly, ineffective or counter-productive in terms of adverse affects. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a conventional treatment for many menopausal women, but I quote from Wikipedia: “It has become increasingly clear that oral progestin and equine estrogen pills can increase a number of risks, including the risks of exacerbation of existing liver or gallbladder problems and of dangerous blood clots. Long term use of equine estrogens probably also increases the risk of breast cancer.” This is one of many statements that pop up from time to time indicating that conventional medicine is not infallible.

If you suffer from the symptoms associated with the onset of menopause I hope that you will find the links below of some benefit. There is a large amount of information available, but I trust you will find something that helps.

Natural Menopause Relief Secrets

Wikipedia article - HRT

How to Conquer Menopause

Menopause On-line